const isFunction = require("lodash.isfunction");
const errors = require("./errors.js");
const callbackNotAFunction = errors.callbackNotAFunction;
const objectAlreadyWatched = errors.objectAlreadyWatched;
const objectNotWatched = errors.objectNotWatched;
* @callback module:watcher~onChangeCallback
* @param {Object} oldObj The old object being watched.
* @param {Object} newObj The new object that is now being watched.
* @public
* @author Pedro Miguel Pereira Serrano Martins
* @version 2.0.6
* @module watcher
* @desc Watches over changes in objects and executes callbacks when those
* changes happen.
* @typedef {Object} Id The unique id of the object we want to watch over.
* Can be anything, althout I strongly recommend it to
* be a primitive type, such as a <code>string</code>,
* or a <code>number</code>.
const watchMap = new Map();
const isObjWatched = objName => watchMap.has(objName);
* @public
* @func watch
* @param {module:watcher~Id} objId The unique id of the object we want
* to watch over.
* @param {Object} obj The object that will be watched.
* @throws {ObjectAlreadyWatched} If the watch list is already watching an
* object with the given <code>objId</code>.
* @description Adds the following object to the watchlist with the
* given id.
const watch = (objId, obj) => {
if (isObjWatched(objId))
throw objectAlreadyWatched(objId);
watchMap.set(objId, {
obj: obj,
* @private
* @function onChange
* @description Default function that runs for every new watched
* object. Does nothing and is a place hodler.
onChange: () => {}
* @public
* @func unwatch
* @param {module:watcher~Id} objId The object that will be
* unwatched.
* @throws {ObjectNotWatched} If the watch list does not contain any
* object with the given <code>objId</code>.
* @description Removes the object with the given <code>objId</code> from the watch
* list. It also deletes all callbacks associated with it.
const unwatch = objId => {
if (!isObjWatched(objId))
throw objectNotWatched(objId);
* @public
* @func get
* @param {module:watcher~Id} objId The unique id of the object we
* want to get.
* @returns {Object}
* @throws {ObjectNotWatched} If the watch list does not contain any
* object with the given <code>objId</code>.
* @description This function returns a <b>shallow clone</b> of the object with
* the given object id. This happens so as to minize side
* effects and prevents direct object manipulation to the
* object being watched.
const get = objId => {
if (!isObjWatched(objId))
throw objectNotWatched(objId);
return Object.assign({}, watchMap.get(objId).obj);
* @public
* @function set
* @param {module:watcher~Id} objId The id of the object we want to
* replace.
* @param {Object} newObj The new object that will replace the
* current object with the id.
* @throws {ObjectNotWatched} If the watch list does not contain any
* object with the given <code>objId</code>.
* @description Replaces the object currently being watched with the
* given one. If your code has references affecting the old
* object (which is very unlikely given that you always
* work with clones) they will be lost. Calls the object's
* callback passing the new object as an argument.
const set = (objId, newObj) => {
if (!isObjWatched(objId))
throw objectNotWatched(objId);
const oldEntry = watchMap.get(objId);
const newEntry = Object.assign({}, oldEntry, { obj: newObj });
watchMap.set(objId, newEntry);
newEntry.onChange(oldEntry.obj, newEntry.obj); //call onChange with both objects
* @public
* @func onChange
* @param {module:watcher~Id} objId The id of the object to which we
* want to attach a callback.
* @param {module:watcher~onChangeCallback} callback The callback to be executed when
* the object changes via the
* <code>set</code> method.
* @throws {ObjectNotWatched} If the watch list does not
* contain any object with the
* given <code>objId</code>.
* @throws {CallbackNotAFunction} If the provided callback
* parameter is not a function.
* @description Sets the callback for the given object. This callback
* will be executed everytime the object changes via
* the <code>set</code> method.
const onChange = (objId, callback) => {
if (!isObjWatched(objId))
throw objectNotWatched(objId);
if (!isFunction(callback))
throw callbackNotAFunction(objId);
const entry = watchMap.get(objId);
entry.onChange = callback;
* @public
* @func reset
* @description Removes all the watched objects and all their associated
* callbacks. Empties the watch list.
const reset = () => {
module.exports = Object.freeze( {
} );