This website has a score of 98/100 ! Test your website's speed using Page Speed Insights!

First because even though this website has JavaScript in it, I always load that JavaScript asynchronously, by using the html async attribute in the link tag.This tells my browser to not wait for the JavaScript files when rendering the website. Admittedly this will not work for every case. If you have a piece of JavaScript vitalfor your website, you need to block the browser and make sure it gets the needed files before constructing the rendering tree, but in this specific case, I believe that Google Analytic scripts are not a priority when rendering my website :D
No files are downloaded externally. Yes, everything is in the same HTML file: CSS, JavaScript, everything is embedded.
The CSS files do not do extra work. Every image in this website was reduced and cropped manually to fit the perfect size. This way you don't have to waste time processing images in your mobile phone: it is all done here.
This page is minified in order to remove comments and extra spaces or tabs. This makes the file smallerwhich means you spend less network traffic when downloading the file.
The server is sending you a compressed version of the website. Want to check it out?
However, this website is being hosted in GitHub Pages, which means that I cannot use caching strategies, like using ETags, as stated in the StackOverflowHTML ETags and Github Pages thread. This means that if I (or you) deploy a similar website in a server that allows this, then there is space for improvement !