In this course we were given a version of the game to modify. The files had a lot of CSS and HTML, but the most important part was the logic embedded in the JavaScript files as should be expected.
First the course starts with a few recommendations for GitHub. Here I learned a lot about GitHub, but most importantly I learned about GitHub pages and how I can make use of it. Sure it was hard, but with the right documentation and a lot of patience I made it. I am still learning how to deal with GitHub, and now I am finding just how much GitHub is limited (see my post at StackOverflow about HTML ETags and Github Pages) but this a very fulfilling experience because this way I get to learn all the limitations of the tools I use!
Then the course moves to a brief analysis of the HTML and CSS files about the game and what they do. This is interesting if you are a beginner or if it is the first time you see such a project, but otherwise it is really skippable.
The final lesson (not yet up at the time of writing of this article) will be about changing the javascript functionality of the game itself, and that it the one thing I am most interest about. Hopefully it will be awesome!